What is the cost to move a pool table in Dayton?
In order to properly answer the question of what the cost to move a pool table is, Our team needs to know a few particulars. In other words, we will ask a few questions to determine the type of pool table. To speed up the process you can simply give us a call so that we can get you taken care of as soon as we can.
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Knowing this information will not only help in figuring out the cost, but it will also provide our team of billiard table movers with a plan to service your table in a timely manner and also order any materials we may need.
Most customers consider this question after they have already purchased their pool table. The reason for this is that they have in fact purchased a table for which they have paid very little.
Moreover, this leads customers to think that the cost to move a pool table is correlated to the price that was paid for the billiard table itself.
What you have to consider is that sometimes there are situations that make getting rid of the pool table more important than making a profit from the sale.
With this in mind, you will find that more often it costs much more to move a billiard table than it is expected. Especially, when the table was obtained at a very low price.
Determining the cost to move a pool table the right way in Dayton
The one thing we would like you to keep in mind is that moving a pool table is an intricate task. Moving a billiard table entails a methodical process that has to follow the same steps as when the table was built for the first time.
Except that in this case, it is in reverse in the sense that it is first carefully disassembled, we will not just take the legs off or move it using coasters.
The pool table is loaded in pieces, in some cases, we can create if necessary. The billiard table components are then transported to the end location. Finally, we build this billiard table from the ground up in a piece by piece fashion.

We ensure the playing surface is perfectly leveled, this job is complex and extensive given that it requires special tools and trained technicians.
We take pride in offering professional pool table installations with exact leveling and we also issue a guarantee in writing backed by a national organization.
In our years of experience, we have seen many pool tables that have been ruined because of failed moving attempts by someone with little to no experience.
Never try to move it in one piece, this could damage the billiard table, the property where it is moving out of or moving into and most importantly you could end up seriously injured. If a professional pool table mover will not relocate a pool table in one piece, why would you want to try to do it?
Why is moving your pool table in one piece a very bad idea?
Moving the pool table in one piece is a ridiculous idea only needed to be attempted by fools. There are so many pool table brands out there, each manufacturer has different models, not to mention there are companies that already sold out, so there is a possibility that your pool table might be discontinued.
Even if you manage to have your pool table moved in one piece. Your pool table will have to be completely disassembled once in the room where it is to be installed.
Taking the pool table apart before moving is not only a necessary step in making sure that the pool table is setup is done correctly, but also this allows us to inspect the existing cloth. This makes it easier for you to decide on whether to book your pool table refelting using new cloth at this time.
There’s a lot of really bad information on the internet!
Videos on YouTube and things of that nature trying to show you how to move the pool table yourself so you can save the money. It’s just a plain bad idea. That pool table was not meant to be moved in one piece, it was built in the factory piece by piece and it was shipped piece by piece and it needs to be installed piece by piece.
Are you still trying to decide if you should buy a pool table right now?

If you have already bought the table and are now trying to figure out how to move it without spending the money after you found the pricing to relocate a pool table correctly? Well, we don’t have any good answers for you.
Often you find that the service for a pool table is going to be comparable to the price, usually, people are anxious to get rid of their pool tables, either because they no longer use them, they have to move out and do not want to spend on the service.
One thing you need to know is if you do try to move the pool table yourself, it’s going to cost you the same amount of money to have us come and fix any problems you cause due to inexperience so it’s best to just put the money into the professionals and save yourself the extra time, headache and embarrassment.
Factors you should also consider when trying to figure out the cost to move a pool table
What you have to think about is that this table will probably only be moved once or twice in the time that you own it. So this is an expense that will not come up often and when it does get moved it is better to go with a professional service that can offer a guarantee.
This way all you are looking at is a one-time price for the service and not the additional costs that can result from faulty installation, damage to the table and/or property and most importantly personal injury.
We often get calls from customers that chose to go with a low-priced service and were either rescheduled, the job was canceled and the table or property was damaged by an inexperienced installer. Please consider this when shopping around.
Pool tables are not often moved if that’s out of your budget and you don’t want to spend the proper amount to have the pool table properly installed and moved you may want to reconsider the pool table in the first place.
These are the particulars that determine the cost to move a pool table
- The sizes of the pool table, more specifically the playfield area
- The brand or manufacturer
- Number of slates
- The pocket style eg, drop pockets or a ball return system
- Factors that would make it difficult for our movers to bring the table into or out of a house (eg, stairs or sharp turns)
- If you’re keeping the existing cloth or if you’re interested in the pool table refelting using a new cloth
- Distance from pickup to the delivery location
- And last but not least, if we need to handle a pool table repair at the time of the service
There are generally 7, 8, & 9-foot slate pool tables and to tell you how much it cost for a move we will want to know about how many stairs we will have to negotiate.

This is especially important with the larger table because they are three pieces of the slate playfield and they are very heavy.
This is very important when we have to carry them long distances since it can be dangerous going up and down stairs even with one of the pieces of slate.
We have to know in advance to be prepared with all the equipment and materials needed for the task. If it’s helpful, feel free to go over the regulation pool table sizes that we listed to help you figure out which billiard table size is best suited for your game room.
If you are still looking at different options to find the right billiard table, or perhaps you own one and you would like to sell it. Feel free to sell a pool table for free in our classifieds section.
Go ahead and call us now to find out the cost to move a pool table
So in order to answer the question of what the cost to move a pool table is? Well, we need to know most of the particulars we mentioned. Simply give us a call or send us an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.